Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blog Post #5; Living or Not

Our plants are living. They go through a whole cycle just to live and reproduce. This cycle starts from the seed, they get all the nutrients they can through water or compost/soil. They also need sunlight, they do these things from the beginning to the end of their cycle. The process of photosynthesis also helps them get their color and nutrients from the sunlight. The plants absorb the sunlight to grow bigger and stronger

Blog Post #2

About :

Our project is based off to see how the plants grow. We watch the process to see how they form to mature. We also wanted to see if having the plants grow in wet paper towels would effect anything. We put different amounts of sodium in the water to see which one would thrive more than the others.
Over all we are just studying the plant nature and seeing if plants can survive with different levels of sodium.

Blog Post #3

I think our plants look a lot bigger and healthier. They have had time to grow and be nourished and I think that really help them become stronger. The compost has really helped them absorb all the nutrients they need to become more "mature" plants. 

The plants absorb all the water in the compost/soil and also some water vapor in the air. They also release some moisture through their leafs. They take in the water through their root and then go through photosynthesis which makes their color green.

The plants take in carbon and release oxygen. That can help us in many ways, we need oxygen to survive. In a way we are kind of trading, we release carbon dioxide for the plants to survive and they release oxygen for us. Also carbon dioxide helps the process of photosynthesis. 

The plants take in some of the nitrogen chemicals and also release some too. They help out the environment and also the plants path to growing. In some way the plant and the chemicals connect and make a process. 
Blog post #4

Our plants are growing pretty nicely.They don't seem to have any bug or bacteria issues. I noticed that a lot of them are spaced out and I think that helps them grow. A lot of the plants have big leaves and I think that helps them grow and get more sunlight. The plants also seem a more vibrant green. I think the compost they are planted in helps them grow a lot faster too.

How Does Your Garden Grow Blogpost #6 Derek Koopman

Cell diversion is when a cell is duplicated and this process can continue infinatly. When this happens cells will increase the biomass of the species/specimen at a slow rate. They can do this due to the fact that they can duplicate themselves by cell division. Cell division is when the cell duplicates it self and this process can be repeated infinatly ( or till plant/animal dies).The plant continues to grow slowly inch by inch in till it reaches it mature part of its life time and then the cells are used for repairing damaged part of the plant.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

BlogPost #5 Monique Perez-Durand p.4

     Our plants have grown very large since we have planted them in the out door garden. When we initially planted them out side they were weak and frail but we  buried some of the stem and padded the dirt around the plant to help sport the stem so that the plant would not break and collapse. After the weeks in the garden and being watered and getting sunlight the plants have grown larger leaves and thicker stems.
    We know the plant is a living and growing thing because it has cells. Its a living thing because of the way it interacts with the environment. We know the plant is a living thing because of how the cells move. It is a living thing because is gains mass and grows. It takes in nutrents and  and makes its own food. The plant changes direction and faces the sun light. We know it is a liveing thing because when it is eaten the nutrients it absorbed is absorbed my the thing that ate the plant.