Friday, September 12, 2014

Monique Perez-Durand bio

Monique Perez-Durand

     My name is Monique Perez-Durand. I was born in San Jose California and have lived here all my life. I have moved houses 7 times total between my two families. I have gardened and grown plants before with my dad and my grandma. With my dad i grew sunflowers and only one survived because half did not sprout and the others were trampled by my dog one planted. With my grandma I have grown cactus avocados strawberries and peppers.  I think my grandma and her family know a lot about farming and growing plants and food because they all mostly live in good farming areas. My grandma makes a lot of her food from scratch and a lot of the food she makes comes from the food she grows.

Derek Koopman Bio

  My name is Derek Koopman, I always lived in San Jose, for my whole life and I'm adopted and my adoptive parents are divorced. I've grown plants and foods before when I was younger when I had more time. I really don't remember what my family grew, but the experience was a hard work in the sun. Also people who I think knows the most about plants is my grandma and my grandpa the reason why is that they have a garden in the back of their house and made their own fertilizer from waste from the garden.I would help them with their garden every friday and every time  i went to there house, it was a fun experience every time.
My name is Kaoni Tampol I was born in San Jose, California I have   garden before with my grandpa before he passed away we grew watermelon and other stuff. My grandpa had his own garden in his backyard and he grew many different things.