Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blog Post #5; Living or Not

Our plants are living. They go through a whole cycle just to live and reproduce. This cycle starts from the seed, they get all the nutrients they can through water or compost/soil. They also need sunlight, they do these things from the beginning to the end of their cycle. The process of photosynthesis also helps them get their color and nutrients from the sunlight. The plants absorb the sunlight to grow bigger and stronger

Blog Post #2

About :

Our project is based off to see how the plants grow. We watch the process to see how they form to mature. We also wanted to see if having the plants grow in wet paper towels would effect anything. We put different amounts of sodium in the water to see which one would thrive more than the others.
Over all we are just studying the plant nature and seeing if plants can survive with different levels of sodium.

Blog Post #3

I think our plants look a lot bigger and healthier. They have had time to grow and be nourished and I think that really help them become stronger. The compost has really helped them absorb all the nutrients they need to become more "mature" plants. 

The plants absorb all the water in the compost/soil and also some water vapor in the air. They also release some moisture through their leafs. They take in the water through their root and then go through photosynthesis which makes their color green.

The plants take in carbon and release oxygen. That can help us in many ways, we need oxygen to survive. In a way we are kind of trading, we release carbon dioxide for the plants to survive and they release oxygen for us. Also carbon dioxide helps the process of photosynthesis. 

The plants take in some of the nitrogen chemicals and also release some too. They help out the environment and also the plants path to growing. In some way the plant and the chemicals connect and make a process. 
Blog post #4

Our plants are growing pretty nicely.They don't seem to have any bug or bacteria issues. I noticed that a lot of them are spaced out and I think that helps them grow. A lot of the plants have big leaves and I think that helps them grow and get more sunlight. The plants also seem a more vibrant green. I think the compost they are planted in helps them grow a lot faster too.

How Does Your Garden Grow Blogpost #6 Derek Koopman

Cell diversion is when a cell is duplicated and this process can continue infinatly. When this happens cells will increase the biomass of the species/specimen at a slow rate. They can do this due to the fact that they can duplicate themselves by cell division. Cell division is when the cell duplicates it self and this process can be repeated infinatly ( or till plant/animal dies).The plant continues to grow slowly inch by inch in till it reaches it mature part of its life time and then the cells are used for repairing damaged part of the plant.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

BlogPost #5 Monique Perez-Durand p.4

     Our plants have grown very large since we have planted them in the out door garden. When we initially planted them out side they were weak and frail but we  buried some of the stem and padded the dirt around the plant to help sport the stem so that the plant would not break and collapse. After the weeks in the garden and being watered and getting sunlight the plants have grown larger leaves and thicker stems.
    We know the plant is a living and growing thing because it has cells. Its a living thing because of the way it interacts with the environment. We know the plant is a living thing because of how the cells move. It is a living thing because is gains mass and grows. It takes in nutrents and  and makes its own food. The plant changes direction and faces the sun light. We know it is a liveing thing because when it is eaten the nutrients it absorbed is absorbed my the thing that ate the plant.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sarah Biskup bio

My name is Sarah. I've lived in Hollister and in San Jose. I have a garden at my house so I do garden a lot. We've grown tomatoes, squash, and bell peppers, growing those things was really fun. My grandpa definitely knows a lot about gardening, he gardens all the time. He plants tomatoes, squash, carrots, and peppers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blogpost #5 Derek Koopman P.4

A plant is a living thing because of the movement of the cells and the jobs that plants have witch is creating oxygen for the atmostsphere. The cells in a plant gives it a green color due to having chloroplast ( witch cause photosysis) they help give the plant nutrients and other resources.If the plants were "dead" then all of its cells will not be moving or not doing what they are "programmed" to do. The cells if not doing what they are "programmed" to do the plant is logically not going to have a real biomass ( stem, leaves and other bionic factors).

Blog posts #4 Derek Koopman p.4

1. Some abiotics features that effect the plant are wind, sunlight, dirt, condition, climate, and multiple other things. Some biotic features that effect the plant are insects, birds, pest, and herbivores. 
2. You can tell when the plant is competing with another one is that they are competing for sunlight carbon dioxide water dirt conditions and also supporting insects (example of supporting insects are bees)
3. Determine the winner or loser in this competition of the plants is to see which one is healthier and grows better food. As the losers is welping and grows bitter foods.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

BlogPost #3 Derek Koopman P.4

1.The plant specimen is growing at slow rate. The plant has started to grow larger leaves and has a small stem.
2.When we pour water on it, the water gets collected at the roots of the plant. The water travel though the plant and basically gives it energy.After that the water returns to the atmosphere. Water is usually stored inside the plant creates energy for it
3.To create oxygen the plant sucks in carbon dioxide from the air around it and through a complex series of events the carbon dioxide get created to oxygen. Oxygen is released into the atmosphere in is consumed by us and then we release carbon dioxide and so the cycle is restarted.
4.The plant is also in the carbon cycle it is related to it because it uses it in that oxygen cycle. Carbon is also created from factories and other things such as cars, planes and,other transportations.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

BlogPost #4 Monique Perez-Durand P.4

     The abiotic factors that my plant depends on are sunlight, nitrogen, carbon dioxide , and water. Some biotic factors that affect my plants are animals and insects, competition for space with other organisms, and mold and bacteria. The way abiotic factors affect my plant like how it needs sunlight as well as water or it will die, it takes in nitrogen and carbon and stores it in its cells helping it to grow. Some of the way biotic factors affect the plant are animals like rodents or humans or insects eating them. Competition with other organisms for space witch can determine how large the plant grows or how much sunlight it takes in, and how much sunlight the plants it gets also effects it.
     How crowded the area the plant is in depends on how large and how much nutrients it takes in. If it is too crowded then the plant competes with other organisms around it for f other space. How much space it gets is important because if other plants take up the space the plant may not see enough sunlight or nutrients from the soil.  
     "Winners" and "losers" are determined in this struggle by which plant grows larger and is more healthy or by which one survives. It may not always be clear who "wins" or who "loses" because it might not be  a one lives and one loses situation but can be determined be which one flourishes.     Neutralism: when both species benefit from interaction
     I think secondary succesion is taking place in the garden after last year's winter season.

BlogPost #3 Monique Perez-Durand P.4

Student Blog Post Assignment #3

Monique Perez-Durand
Period 4

     My plant since being planted has grow much. It went from a thin weak plant that could not hold itself up to a thick stemmed plant with large leaves.
     Every time the plant is watered the water seeps into the soil and the soil stays moist. The plant's stem seeps up the water from the soil and caries it throughout the plant. The plant gives off water through its leaves and goes back into the biosphere The plants get the same amount of constant water as they did before but was in a confined space. Now it is in an open space with the same amount of water and has sunlight so it can grow freely.
     Plants pull carbon dioxide out of the air storing it in its cells and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. The plant grew because the carbon it took in had to go somewhere so the plant stored it in the cells of its leaves and stems.
     Plants also remove nitrogen from organic matter like decomposing plants and animal matter from the ground and stores it in its cells. Because there is some much decomposing plant matter from past classes in the garden there is a lot of nitrogen in the ground. So because the plant stores nitrogen in its cells it grows

Friday, September 12, 2014

Monique Perez-Durand bio

Monique Perez-Durand

     My name is Monique Perez-Durand. I was born in San Jose California and have lived here all my life. I have moved houses 7 times total between my two families. I have gardened and grown plants before with my dad and my grandma. With my dad i grew sunflowers and only one survived because half did not sprout and the others were trampled by my dog one planted. With my grandma I have grown cactus avocados strawberries and peppers.  I think my grandma and her family know a lot about farming and growing plants and food because they all mostly live in good farming areas. My grandma makes a lot of her food from scratch and a lot of the food she makes comes from the food she grows.

Derek Koopman Bio

  My name is Derek Koopman, I always lived in San Jose, for my whole life and I'm adopted and my adoptive parents are divorced. I've grown plants and foods before when I was younger when I had more time. I really don't remember what my family grew, but the experience was a hard work in the sun. Also people who I think knows the most about plants is my grandma and my grandpa the reason why is that they have a garden in the back of their house and made their own fertilizer from waste from the garden.I would help them with their garden every friday and every time  i went to there house, it was a fun experience every time.
My name is Kaoni Tampol I was born in San Jose, California I have   garden before with my grandpa before he passed away we grew watermelon and other stuff. My grandpa had his own garden in his backyard and he grew many different things.